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On-line Tithing And Donations

Our Disclaimer: We believe that your tithes should go to your local assembly first.


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We would like for you to know that we are a 501c3 non for profit organization and that our outreach ministries are solely supported by you. Furthermore, We would like for you to know that you do not have to limit yourself to a monetary donation.For example: We’ve had people to donate Car’s, a bus, a 25 passenger van, a 15 passage van “ The Y.M.C.A. “, toy’s for children, clothing, household items, gift cards, gas cards and one minister donated 10 nice sized uncut diamonds. We are very open to accepting land, mobile homes, boats, stamps, books and even gym equipment can be refurbished, reused, and / or resold to bless someone. We have in the past blessed people with most of what was listed, especially young couples “ families “ just starting out. Before we let you go, we would like for you to know that the man of God “ pastor and founder “ of this ministry has worked hard for years to keep you informed; As well as, availed himself 24 hours a day that you may contact him personally via his cell phone for prophetic prayer and counseling. For that reason and In accordance with the I.R.S. act, we ask that if you would like to gift him personally, please do so by making your checks, money orders ect. Out to James h. Williams and write gift in the memo area.WITH AGAP’E LOVE


FIRST... Puts God First in My Money Matters: Because tithing puts God first in my budget and brings me real happiness in money matters. By setting aside at least a Tenth of my income, to the cause of Christ I begin to keep books with God, Budgeting and systematizing the part that remains as well as the proportion that is set aside for God's use.


SECOND...It is a -Fundamental Principle: Because Tithing is a fundamental principle having its origin in mind and will of God. It is not casual but causal And every neglect of this principle retards Christian growth. Tithing is not a legalistic whip to drive me to pledge money, but a great Christian principle to lead me to grow in grace.


THIRD...Helps me to Avoid Covetousness: Because Tithing helps me to avoid covetousness which has been de¬signated "THE SIN WE'RE AFRAID TO MENTION"It walks with its head up today. If I put God first in my money matters, setting aside at least a Tenth, it makes it easier for me to conduct, my daily business on principles of honesty, integrity, industry and the GOLDEN RULE.


FOURTH...Develops Christian Character: Because.of what Tithing does to me in,developing Christian Character and loyalty to Christ and his church budgets and programs and goals and standards and organizations, are secondary. My primary reason for Tithing is my own Spiritual need. There¬fore 'I serve God with Mammon instead of trying to serve God and Mammon.


FIFTH...Releases Spiritual Resources: Because it releases my Spiritual resources for Christ's use in - Kingdom Extension. Pentecost with my life and through my life awaits my unblocking the channel. Unconsecrated money blocks God from using my life.


SIXTH...Releases Money: Because Tithing releases money for Kingdom purposes. It makes my production of money a part of God's plan, and my daily oc-cupation is elevated to a Holy Service.This principle estab¬lishes Christian equality among all church members regardless of degree or wealth.


SEVENTH...Makes Me A Partner with God: Because Tithing makes me a 'partner with God in getting, saving, spending, giving, an accounting. It elevates my Talents, time opportunities, business, privileges. Keeps me from selfish hoarding and by sharing the thing I am most tempted to covet, I am enabled to fulfill life's real purpose. I believe that God own's all life, time personality, powers, and possessions, that I owe all of it to Him; that if I honor God by a definite propor¬tion of all He gives me, God' is pleased to take me in as a partner. It is only thus that I achieve my real- mission of work¬ing, worshiping, witnessing and giving where my treasure and thought and time and interest is, there will my heart be. I must seek first the Kingdom.




                            BIBLE REFERENCES:                                               Heb. 7-6   Math. 23-23     Mal. 3-8

   Lev. 27-30   Gen. 8-22    Luke 11-42    Gen. 14-20         Prov. 3-9

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